Getting started

Installing i-PI


i-PI is Python code, and as such strictly speaking does not need to be compiled and installed. The i-pi file in the bin directory of the distribution is the main (executable) script, and can be run as long as the system has installed:

  • Python version 3.6 or greater (starting from version 2.0, i-PI is not Python2 compatible)

  • The Python numerical library NumPy

See Running i-PI for more details on how to launch i-PI.

Additionally, most client codes will have their own requirements. Many of them, including the test client codes given in the “drivers” directory, will need a suitable Fortran compiler. A C compiler is required for the sockets.c wrapper to the sockets standard library. Most electronic structure codes will also need to be linked with some mathematical libraries, such as BLAS, FFTW and LAPACK. Installation instructions for these codes should be provided as part of the code distribution and on the appropriate website. Patching for use with i-PI should not introduce further dependencies.

Quick Setup

To use i-PI with an existing driver, install and update using pip:

Last version:

python -m pip install git+

Last Release:

pip install -U ipi

Full installation


To develop i-PI or test it with the self-contained driver, follow these instructions. It is assumed that i-PI will be run from a Linux environment, with a recent version of Python, Numpy and gfortran, and that the terminal is initially in the i-pi package directory (the directory containing this file), which you can obtain by cloning the repository

git clone

Source the environment settings file as source or . It is useful to put this in your .bashrc or other settings file if you always want to have i-PI available.

Fortran built-in driver

The built-in driver requires a FORTRAN compiler, and can be built as

cd drivers/f90
cd ../..

There is also a Python driver available in drivers/py, which however has limited functionalities.

Alternative installation using the module

It is sometimes more convenient to install the package to the system’s Python modules path, so that it is accessible by all users and can be run without specifying the path to the Python script.

For this purpose we have included a module in the root directory of the i-PI distribution,, which handles creating a package with the executable and all the modules which are necessary for it to run. The first step is to build the distribution using:

> python build

Note that this requires the distutils package that comes with the python-dev package.

This creates a “build” directory containing only the files that are used to run an i-PI simulation, which can then be used to create the executable. This can be done in two ways, depending on whether or not the user has root access. If the user does have root access, then the following command will add the relevant source files to the standard Python library directory:

> python install

This will install the package in the /usr/lib/py_vers directory, where py_vers is the version of Python that is being used. This requires administrator privileges.

Otherwise, one can install i-PI in a local Python path. If such path does not exist yet, one must create directories for the package to go into, using:

> mkdir ~/bin
> mkdir ~/lib/py_vers
> mkdir ~/lib/py_vers/site-packages

Next, you must tell Python where to find this library, by appending it to the Linux environment variable PYTHONPATH, using:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/lib/py_vers/site-packages/

Finally, the code can be installed using:

> python install –prefix=

Either way, it will now be possible to run the code automatically, using

> i-pi input-file.xml

Installing clients

As of today, the following codes provide out-of-the-box an i-PI interface: CP2K, DFTB+, Lammps, Quantum ESPRESSO, Siesta, FHI-aims, Yaff, deMonNano, TBE. Links to the web pages of these codes, including information on how to obtain them, can be found at

If you are interested in interfacing your code to i-PI please get in touch, we are always glad to help. We keep some information below in case you are interested in writing a patch to a code.

Running i-PI

i-PI functions based on a client-server protocol, where the evolution of the nuclear dynamics is performed by the i-PI server, whereas the energy and forces evaluation is delegated to one or more instances of an external program, that acts as a client. This design principle has several advantages, but it also makes running a simulation slightly more complicated, since the two components must be set up and started independently.

Running the i-PI server

i-PI simulations are run using the i-PI Python script found in the “bin” directory. This script takes an xml-formatted file as input, and automatically starts a simulation as specified by the data held in it. If the input file is called “input_file.xml”, then i-PI is run using:

> python i-pi input_file.xml

This reads in the input data, initializes all the internally used objects, and then creates the server socket. The code will then wait until at least one client code has connected to the server before running any dynamics. Note that until this has happened the code is essentially idle, the only action that it performs is to periodically poll for incoming connections.

Running the client code

Below we give examples on how to make different clients communicate with i-PI. Most clients also include descriptions on how to do this from their own documentation.

Built-in, fortran client

i-PI includes a Fortran empirical potential client code to do simple calculations and to run the examples.

The source code for this is included in the directory “drivers/f90”, and can be compiled into an executable “i-pi-driver” using the UNIX utility make.

This code currently has several empirical potentials hardcoded into it, including a Lennard-Jones potential, the Silvera-Goldman potential [SG78], a primitive implementation of the qtip4pf potential for water , [HMM09], several toy model potentials, the ideal gas (i.e. no potential interaction), and several more.

How the code is run is based on what command line arguments are passed to it. The command line syntax is:

> i-pi-driver [-u] -a address [-p port] -m [model-name] -o [parameters] [-S sockets_prefix] [-v]

The flags do the following:


Optional parameter. If specified, the client will connect to a Unix domain socket. If not, it will connect to an internet socket.


Is followed in the command line argument list by the hostname (address) of the server.


Is followed in the command line argument list by the port number of the server.


Is followed in the command line argument list by a string specifying the type of potential to be used. “gas” gives no potential, “lj” gives a Lennard-Jones potential, “sg” gives a Silvera-Goldman potential and “harm” gives a 1D harmonic oscillator potential. Other options should be clear from their description.


Is followed in the command line argument list by a string of comma-separated values needed to initialize the potential parameters. “gas” requires no parameters, “harm” requires a spring constant, “sg” requires a cut-off radius and “lj” requires the length and energy scales and a cut-off radius to be specified. All of these must be given in atomic units.


Optional parameter. If given, the client will print out more information each time step.


Optional parameter. If given, overwrite the default socket prefix used in the creation of files for the socket communication. (default “/tmp/ipi_”)

This code should be fairly simple to extend to other pair-wise interaction potentials, and examples of its use can be seen in the “examples” directory, as explained in Testing the install.


To use CP2K as the client code using an internet domain socket on the host address “host_address” and on the port number “port” the following lines must be added to its input file:


      HOST host_address
      PORT port

If instead a Unix domain socket is required then the following modification is necessary:

      HOST host_address
      PORT port

The rest of the input file should be the same as for a standard CP2K calculation, as explained at it the documentation of CP2K.


To use Quantum-Espresso as the client code using an internet domain socket on the host address “host_address” and on the port number “port” the following lines must be added to its input file:


If instead a Unix domain socket is required then the following modification is necessary:


The rest of the input file should be the same as for a standard Quantum Espresso calculation, as explained at


To use LAMMPS as the client code using an internet domain socket on the host address “host_address” and on the port number “port” the following lines must be added to its input file:

fix  1 all ipi host_address port

If instead a unix domain socket is required then the following modification is necessary:

fix  1 all ipi host_address port unix

The rest of the input file should be the same as for a standard LAMMPS calculation, as explained at Note that LAMMPS must be compiled with the yes-user-misc option to communicate with i-PI. More information from


To use FHI-aims as the client code using an internet domain socket on the host address “host_address” and on the port number “port” the following lines must be added to its file:

use_pimd_wrapper host_address port

If instead a unix domain socket is required then the following modification is necessary:

use_pimd_wrapper UNIX:host_address port

One can also communicate different electronic-structure quantities to i-PI through the extra string from FHI-aims. In this case, the following lines can be added to the file:

communicate_pimd_wrapper option

where option can be, e.g., dipole, hirshfeld, workfunction, friction.

Running on a HPC system

Running i-PI on a high-performance computing (HPC) system can be a bit more challenging than running it locally using UNIX-domain sockets or using the localhost network interface. The main problem is related to the fact that different HPC systems adopt a variety of solutions to have the different nodes communicate with each other and with the login nodes, and to queue and manage computational jobs.


Different approaches to run i-PI and a number of instances of the forces code on a HPC system: a) running i-PI and the clients in a single job; b) running i-PI and the clients on the same system, but using different jobs, or running i-PI interactively on the login node; c) running i-PI on a local workstation, communicating with the clients (that can run on one or multiple HPC systems) over the internet.

The figure represents schematically three different approaches to run i-PI on a HPC system:

  1. running both i-PI and multiple instances of the client as a single job on the HPC system. The job submission script must launch i-PI first, as a serial background job, then wait a few seconds for it to load and create a socket

    > python i-pi input_file.xml &> log & wait 10

    Then, one should launch with mpirun or any system-specific mechanism one or more independent instances of the client code. Note that not all queing systems allow launching several mpirun instances from a single job.

  2. running i-PI and the clients on the HPC system, but in separate jobs. Since i-PI consumes very little resources, one should ideally launch it interactively on a login node

    > nohup python i-pi input_file.xml < /dev/null &> log &

    or alternative on a queue with a very long wall-clock time. Then, multiple instances of the client can be run as independent jobs: as they start, they will connect to the server which will take care of adding them dynamically to the list of active clients, dispatching force calculations to them, and removing them from the list when their wall-clock time expires. This is perhaps the model that applies more easily to different HPC systems; however it requires having permission to run on the head node, or having access to a long wall-clock time queue that ensures that i-PI is always active.

  3. running i-PI on a simple workstation, and performing communication over the internet with the clients that run on one or more HPC systems. This model exploits in full the distributed-computing model that underlies the philosophy of i-PI and is very robust – as the server can be always on, and the output of the simulation is generated locally. However, this is also the most complicated to set up, as the local workstation must accept in-coming connections from the internet – which is not always possible when behind a firewall – and the compute nodes of the HPC centre must have an outgoing connection to the internet, which often requires ssh tunnelling through a login node (see section Distributed execution for more details).

Testing the install

test the installation with ‘pytest‘

There are several test cases included, that can be run automatically with ‘i-pi-tests‘ from the root directory.

> i-pi-tests

Note 1: pytest and pytest-mock python packages are required to run these tests, but they are required to run i-PI. Note 2: please compile the fortran driver, as explained in Built-in, fortran client. Note 3: use the ‘-h’ flag to see all the available tests

test cases and examples

The examples/ folder contains a multitude of examples for i-PI, covering most of the existing functionalities, and including also simple tests that can be run with different client codes.

The example folder is structured such that each sub-folder is focused on a different aspect of using i-PI:

  • clients:
    Contains examples that are code-specific, highlighting how the driver code should be set up

    (client-specific syntax and tags) to run it properly with i-PI

  • features :
    Examples of different functionalities implemented in i-PI.

    All examples can be run locally with the drivers provided with the code.

  • hpc_scripts :

    Examples of submission scripts on HPC platforms

  • temp :
    Temporary folder with historical examples that have not yet been adapted

    to the current folder structure

  • init_files:

    repository of input files shared by many examples

We keep this folder updated as much as we can, and try to run automated tests on these inputs, but in some cases, e.g. when using external clients, we cannot run tests. Please report a bug if you find something that is not working.